Evidence of life on mars made by scientists:
They think but have really powerful evidence that there use to be many oceans on mars. Where ever there’s water there’s a big chance that there can be life around that area. Also threes possible evidence of islands on mars. Some signs that aliens can be there is that they saw a 2 faces and one heart created on the earth’s surface. It is a sign that maybe advanced humans created it. More evidence of water is that the planet is made out of rocks and pebbles.Island
This picture has been going around a lot. Many people think that it’s really fake but some take it as a real situation. Many astronomers have their own theories or beliefs about this. Some say it’s just a figure of a rock. Some people think it’s an actual Martian kneeling down on a rock. This picture was taken in the last months of 2007. The most theory that has disproven it is that in the bottom right corner there is some kind of creature (maybe a human) wearing an astronaut’s helmet. And also they said if you look closely, the guy kneeling down could be wearing a helmet on which gives less proof of aliens on mars.
They think but have really powerful evidence that there use to be many oceans on mars. Where ever there’s water there’s a big chance that there can be life around that area. Also threes possible evidence of islands on mars. Some signs that aliens can be there is that they saw a 2 faces and one heart created on the earth’s surface. It is a sign that maybe advanced humans created it. More evidence of water is that the planet is made out of rocks and pebbles.

NASA scientists have found sulphates on mars in their recent visit which means more evidence of water which means more evidence of E.T life.
Mars has 53% the diameter of earth and 38% the surface of earth.
People who are against life on mars have evidence too. They think that life cannot live there because it has really thin ozone layers which let ultraviolet radiation get inside of the planet. With ultraviolet radiation a lot of things can’t live like humans, water or plants. Ultraviolet radiation is what gives skin cancer in our planet.
A piece of rock from mars fell on earth when a meteorite hit mars. This rock contains signs of life on mars. It contains fossils and evidence of basic once-living micro-organisms on mars. On the rock they found worm like structures which can be fossilized Martian bacteria. The rocks name was ALH84001. This rock had smaller sized bacteria then the normal human sized bacteria which could mean another type of life form touched it (E.T). But in the other end this bacterium could have came from a mineral.
A piece of rock from mars fell on earth when a meteorite hit mars. This rock contains signs of life on mars. It contains fossils and evidence of basic once-living micro-organisms on mars. On the rock they found worm like structures which can be fossilized Martian bacteria. The rocks name was ALH84001. This rock had smaller sized bacteria then the normal human sized bacteria which could mean another type of life form touched it (E.T). But in the other end this bacterium could have came from a mineral.
In this picture there is carbonate patterns from a unique life-form. The patterns are very similar to how terrestrial bacteria operate. Carbonate itself is rich in non-living items. These orange things are called orange globs. This orange carbonate glob can have millions of remains of ancient Martian life forms. Magnetite globules were also found here. These were only found on earth. But the tear shape in Martian evidence is only created by bacteria. PAH’s was present in the meteorite that fell from mars which means the bacteria could have been from Antarctica or from that present time in mars.
Bimorphs have also been found on meteorites on mars. That gives a high percentage that life exists or, has once existed on Mars. A bimorphs is a graphical representation on a computer that shows evolution of a life form or a shape showing a living organism.
NASA took decades of planning a manned mission to mars. They took fifty years. From the year 1950 to the year 2000. The first ever manned mission in mars is ship was called Von Braun Mars. Started in the year 1952, Got there in 1965. The missions most leading toward the future is NASA 90 day study and Mars post.
This picture has been going around a lot. Many people think that it’s really fake but some take it as a real situation. Many astronomers have their own theories or beliefs about this. Some say it’s just a figure of a rock. Some people think it’s an actual Martian kneeling down on a rock. This picture was taken in the last months of 2007. The most theory that has disproven it is that in the bottom right corner there is some kind of creature (maybe a human) wearing an astronaut’s helmet. And also they said if you look closely, the guy kneeling down could be wearing a helmet on which gives less proof of aliens on mars.
Last evidence of life in mars is that mars have a polar cap. But the ice caps will never melt at the temperature of -55 C. Apart from the very hot places on mars there is still very cold places on mars. Those areas are like ice because they are nowhere near facing the sun like our south pole (Antarctica). So that means that the ozone layer doesn’t matter at that point because the ice will always stay frozen. And if the ice stays frozen, there is no water.
sorry pictures wont show