Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Modern day slavery

While we think that there is no slavery in places anymore there actually is. This type of slavery takes place day to day and done from day and night time. This occurs in Pakistan. Pakistani officials have not reported any signs and/or people that have been holding people as slaves. They were treated like animals. Anyone who stopped or, didn’t want to work anymore got beaten. They get paid a really poor amount of money. They make up to twelve dollars a day (maybe less).
            People/Pakistanis have been working at down to the age of four months old. It all started when the Pakistan people got three district courts to declare that it is illegal the depts that the landlords were using to compel the workers into servitude. Now since it’s illegal to have someone be their servant/slave the landlords got mad so then they forced the Pakistanis to work for them automatically.

A third of the fractions of slaves are children. The ones who are four months old or younger are landless poor children. One of the have been killed too. So far throughout the whole slavery, only one person has died. That slave died purposely by one of the slave owners. He killed the slave in order to scare all the other slaves (and threaten them) so they would not escape, attempt to escape and, to get them working faster.
            They also killed that hostage so the other people would drop the cases and forget about it and return to work. The United States of America made a law that if a country is ranked on the trafficking list for three years will automatically go to tier three which could make the country face sanctions. When a place sanctions a country (place, etc.) it means that everything that the states government does has to be showed to the country that is sanctioning it. It also means that if we sanction that country, we dictate all the ethical choices they do.       
People who are not slaves are sometimes homeless and poor. Refugees live in really crowded rooms. For example; one person said that he had to move his family of ten inside a tiny two room house. When he moved in there was already twelve people inside of their including; little children running around the house bear foot. Their living conditions and food they eat are not enough to survive such a long time.
            Their home had mud walls and the toilet they used to use the bathroom was just a hole in the floor that serves as a makeshift toilet. Also the children had signs on their face that were brown looking spots on their face. Both of those are evidence of malnutrition. Now since more homeless Pakistanis are living slightly better, worse or the same as this; there is a big rate in which people are getting into Pakistani hospitals at fast rates.

Also where all the pakistanian refugees are moving to, there are signs of terrorists throughout the location. They have reported it but the officials are regardless of what happens. This makes it an even more of a dangerous place where a pakistanian refugee camp carrying a lot of refugees inside of them. Both ways, a refugee or a slave, are bad conditions for anybody to live in. Refugee`s because of all the malnutrition and slave because of, how they treat the slaves and feed them.
            People who landowners have to force to do work end up in private prisons. Pakistan made an emancipation law in nineteen-ninety-two. They promised to free all slaves but many, many people are still slaves till this very same day. It mostly exists now because, the landowners do it secretly so nobody would know about it. They said the police is using a blind eye on the issue otherwise, if they don’t see it, they don’t believe it.   

So far Obama`s ambassador said that Pakistan should keep the promise they did in the emancipation in nineteen-ninety-two. Also, that they are looking for ways to help their government stop people from holding people as slaves. The United States of America is doing a great effort in part of stopping slavery in Pakistan<
            Courts order for the cops there was to free more than a dozen hostages. Obama`s human rights secretary said that there are at least 3 landowners with 170 farm workers each working as slaves. “Slavery is not only found in Asia. But it is found throughout communities in the south of Asia” said Luis Cdebaca. We are all humans. We deserve the respect that we need for nobody is greater than anybody else in the world, and nothing less.

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