Monday, March 26, 2012

Difference between evaporate, dissolve and granulated

            The difference between evaporation, dissolve and granulated is that each mean something different in their own way. Evaporate is when a type of liquid (for example water) gets or absorbs too much heat and turns into a gas (for water; water vapor). Granulated is when something (for example sugar) is broken down into small chunks and/or pieces (like taking a sugar cube and smashing it with a heavy object). Dissolve means (for a solid) to be put in a liquid (like water) to form a solution. In other words, to be melted and/or be put into really small pieces until not visible from the human eye or from microscopic view.  


  1. According to me,dissolving and evaporating are two same things seen from different aspects. Dissolving is NOT ONLY FOR SOLIDS. It is applicable for FLUIDS too (as per the scientific definition).

    We have heard of gases dissolving in water. Here, it's just the opposite. Water dissolves in gases (air).

    More proof:
    1) Stirring increases rate of dissolution~When wind blows, evaporation is faster
    2) Heating increases dissolution~Heating increases evaporation
    3) Dissolving produces cooling effect~Evaporation produces cooling effect
    4) Cooling leads to crystallization~Cooling leads to condensation...

