Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The causes and effects of westward expansion on Americans during the mid to late 1800’s

          One of the causes of westward expansion was that, a man named Horace Greeley published a news paper telling people to move westward. Another cause that made our people move westward was that, the Government was offering land to whoever moved to the west. Example; The Government said that whatever land they find in the west would be theirs for free and that you can also find many riches in the far west. This is also connected to the American dream. Some stuff of the American dream is, starting a new life, finding wealth and having a family. Like the saying, having a white picket fence house. However, the American dream was a Manifest Destiny. The American dream was far beyond this because what the Government stated wasn’t exactly true. Manifest means paranormal and destiny means meant to be. So, this is a meant to be paranormal journey. Another cause that made people move westward was that many cities were crowded so most people didn’t have enough space to be comfortable enough to live a normal life. The start of this American dream was in the mid 1800’s in Missouri. Many people would follow the Oregon Trail that started in Missouri and ended in Oregon in order to move farther west. Most people would walk the trail but other people used ox’s to pull their schooners up the trail. Other people like the Mormons also moved westward to start a new life since they were discriminated because of their religion. Some effects of westward expansion was that, (exact amount unknown) 20,000 to 30,000 people died by traveling on the Oregon Trail. Do to the harsh obstacles the travelers had to face like harsh weathers, rivers and high mountains and also, the Native Americans. Most travelers had to literally leave everything behind in order to continue the American dream. A positive effect of westward expansion was that over 250,000 Americans successfully moved westward.             

Chen Guangcheng out of U.S embassy

Basically, Mr. Chen was forced out of the U.S embassy by Chinese officials. I think that this is a catastrophe, something that should never be done because the way in which Mr. Chen was forced out of the embassy was that Chinese officials threatened to beat his wife if Mr. Chen continued under American protection. But then they changed and reversed the message that they gave to Mr. Chen by saying that they said, they would send his wife back to Shandong and that, no one could assure her safety there. Also, that if his family is put in Shandong, he would be able to reunite with his family once again. One moral I saw in this story is that6, family is more important then everything. Mr. Chen left his important job just to be back reunited with his family once again. But in the other hand, after escaping house arrest and seeking asylum from the U.S embassy, he should be able to know that, his country would try to retaliate against his wife and son since he is violating China’s domestic policy. But, beating his wife is no what to resolve this conflict. The Chinese said they will investigate the authorities that sent Mr. Chen this harsh message. I think that they said this just to show that they never threatened to resolve this in a way using violence. Their simply just trying to full the U.S saying that Chen had been given the wrong message. At least back in china they gave Chen Guangchen some liberties like letting him study law in one of China’s 7 cities. The U.S also showed respect by pledging that he gets some funds for Mr. Chen’s teachings and for his family. My question is; why did Obama turn over this freedom activist who escaped back to the Chinese authorities? And mostly because it would cause confusion and disturbance for the U.S. I guess Obama cared about his family too but, was it worth the risk? A freedom activist is an activist that acts upon his or her beliefs based on their countries freedom (people in the countries freedom). Activists also go against anyone that has the antithesis beliefs they have. The countries freedom could become more inferior then before.   

Youtube Hacked?

I saw this when I tried to log in to my Youtube account.